HOX Academy

Welcome to Hox, where passion for hockey meets the power to make a difference. We are more than just a hockey accessory brand; we are on a mission to inspire the next generation of hockey stars while enhancing your game. Our commitment goes beyond creating top-quality products; it extends to fostering a brighter future for young athletes.

Founded in 2020, Hox was born out of a deep love for the sport and a desire to contribute positively to the hockey community. We understand that hockey isn't just a game; it's a way of life for players, coaches, and fans alike. This understanding drives us to craft innovative, durable, and performance-driven accessories that help players of all levels reach their full potential on the ice.

Our Giving Back Initiative: Empowering Future Stars

At Hox, we believe in the power of hockey to shape lives and create lasting bonds. We are proud to be more than just a company; we are a force for good. Our giving back initiative lies at the core of our brand, where we pledge to contribute 10% of our profits to a noble cause - the Hox Academy, a Hockey Training Camp for children of underprivledged households.

Every time you purchase a Hox product, you become a part of this amazing journey. Through your support, we fund and organize a children's hockey training camp, providing young athletes from diverse backgrounds with an opportunity they might not otherwise have. At the camp, these future stars receive professional coaching, mentorship, and access to top-notch facilities, giving wings to their dreams and helping them develop as players and individuals.

Quality and Innovation: Elevating Your Game

We understand that success on the ice hinges on the smallest details, and that's why we obsess over the quality and innovation of our products. Our team of experienced designers and creators work tirelessly to bring you cutting-edge hockey accessories that enhance your performance and on ice abilities. 

From premium hockey stick wax designed for precision and control, to the highest quality customizable skate guard on the market, each Hox product is crafted to meet the demands of the modern game. We continuously listen to the hockey community, gather feedback, and evolve our designs to keep you ahead of the competition.

Join the Hox Family

At Hox, we don't just value customers; we cherish community. When you choose our products, you become a part of the Hox family - a community bound together by a love for hockey and a shared dedication to making a positive impact. We invite you to explore our wide range of hockey accessories, knowing that every purchase contributes to something greater.

Thank you for choosing Hox. Together, we can shape a brighter future for hockey and the young athletes who dream of shining on the ice. Let's skate towards excellence while making a meaningful difference, one accessory at a time.

Elevate Your Game. Empower Future Stars. Choose Hox.